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VPU - Voroshilov's Military School

The VPU history trace it's history back to November of  1930, when at Novo Peterghof was opened the first school of border security and OGPY forces. Since then there was started training of staff, extremely necessary for border. There are a lot of striking examples of battle training grades brought  in schools' history and history of border security forces during pre-war years. More than 100 of them were awarded with orders and medals.

The grades of 1941


Commanders of the 1st battalion 1941

In the first days of The Great patriotic war VPU cadets began the defence of the Leningrad. They bravely fight against nazi enemies in severe battles, showing examples of true heroism and selflessness. On 10th of February in 1943, by the order of The Supreme Soviet of  the USSR for the right  performing of the battle operations, the VPU was awarded with Red Banner order.

During the war school prepared personnel for the front-line forces. It's graduates fought literally on the all front-lines, was in command of the regiments, units and formation, took part in the Berlin assault. Many of them became the Heroes of The Soviet Union, thousands of them — order-bearers.



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by Habarov Ivan

St.Petersburg  2007. 

Hosted by uCoz